Thursday, April 11, 2013

Throughout the research that I have done I am learning to be careful in the causes that I want to donate money to. I want my money to make an enormous effect on the people that are going to be receiving it. I dont want my money to "sit" there an not cause an effect. I want it to be multiplied and change lives.
"When I thought I couldn't go on, I forced myself to keep going. My success is based on persistence, not luck."

I am finding that its a little hard to invest in a non-profit organization due to the fact that we may ask questions and we dont get the proper answer we want. Maybe because we let them know first that we are high school students and they dont take us for real.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

 While looking for the organizations we wanted to donate for we were very impressed to see the love of humanity giving back to others who are in need. There were many great place to donate, however we could only donate to a few. The Boys and Girls Club impacted my life so much as well as a local club at my school called the Y.O.U Lounge. I am impressed on how much this organizations help teens stay out of trouble. The people who help out must have a big heart. I am loving this project!

My group and I had to look at the number to make sure that they were doing the type of job we wanted them to. For example, how is the money being used to help out this teens. What is being bought that is helping out this individual that its keeping them away from the streets. Also, are they recieving snacks.

Monday, April 8, 2013

In our class today we brought three things that meant a lot to us. Many of my classmate surprised me. Why? Well, because I got to get to know them a lot better. Someone who I thought that did not care for animals as much as others said why and how they feel. While for others religion became the center of attention and we got a chance to share our beliefs even deeper.
For me, the most important characters in my life where the sheep, purple butterfly, and the cross. The purple butterfly represents my father who passed away 13 years ago. The sheep represents my mother and the cross in which Jesus shed his blood.
Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over it became a butterfly!



My experience using this Make A Difference cards was very intresting. While some want to help animals others want to help out nature and kids. In my personal point of view I would rather help out the mankind and be a better individual satisfies me!

I want to gain so much from this project... Main Street Philanthropy will help me personaly because it will make me relaize to not be so self-center and get out there. I will put a lot of dedication because it will not be an essay route!